Birth Defects
A pregnant mother needs special care and observation from the time of conception to the time of delivery. If a doctor at some point prescribes her a harmful medication or performs an x-ray then the consequences could be devastating for the newborn child. Such instances have resulted in deformations, brain and nerve damage, fetal distress, cerebral palsy, miscarriages and even death. Some of these symptoms may go unnoticed at the time of delivery but will persist over the years.
If you begin to notice or even suspect the possibility that your child was a victim of a birth defect then seek legal counsel with an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice claims immediately. The statute of limitations on medical malpractice claims in Pennsylvania is two years from the incident or from the time when the patient should have reasonably noticed the injury. This means that even if the child seems healthy until say the age of 10, a medical malpractice claim can still be filed given that the effects were not able to be noticed until later in life.
We know that monetary compensation is needed when a birth defect has affected a child. Such birth defects can cause many of these children to lead disabling lives. They may have significant health problems and need lifelong care. Determining the factors that caused the birth defect will require an investigation from the child’s delivery and the events of infant care afterward, as well as, reviewing all doctor appointments during the pregnancy. Many times the incident can be attributed to one exact moment of negligence on the part of the physician prescribing a medication that was known by the FDA to potentially harm a fetus either directly or in combination with other prescriptions. There are all too many cases like this. There are also cases where the administration of an epidural or other delivery drugs too late.
Our hearts go out to all these victims and we know no amount of money can right the wrong but it is often an essential need for the victim to receive the proper care. Bringing these issues to light will hold the negligent doctors and hospitals responsible and hopefully prevent other such tragedies.
When you take your claim to David W. Kaiser, Attorney at Law, you will have a strong voice fighting for your side. We have the experience and medical knowledge that these claims require. We will investigate all the possible circumstances that brought about the incident and how to determine how it could have been avoided. We will communicate with the negligent parties on your behalf so you can focus on your life and tend to your child. Many of our clients have received multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements so the family can ensure the injured child will have the care they need as they grow up.
If your child suffers from injuries or disabilities that you suspect might be the cause of birth defects or prenatal treatments in the greater Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, then please call 724-425-1110 today to schedule a free consultation. David Kaiser and his staff are here to make sure that you and your child receive the settlement you deserve.